Create the operator via the following factory method:
***LLM.Ernie(api_key: str, secret_key: str)***
***api_key***: *str=None*
The Ernie API key in string, defaults to None. If None, it will use the environment variable `ERNIE_API_KEY`.
***secret_key***: *str=None*
The Ernie Secret key in string, defaults to None. If None, it will use the environment variable `ERNIE_SECRET_KEY`.
Other OpenAI parameters such as temperature, etc.
## Interface
The operator takes a piece of text in string as input.
It returns answer in json.
***messages***: *list*
A list of messages to set up chat.
Must be a list of dictionaries with key value from "question", "answer". For example, [{"question": "a past question?", "answer": "a past answer."}, {"question": "current question?"}].
It also accepts the orignal Ernie message format like [{"role": "user", "content": "a question?"}, {"role": "assistant", "content": "an answer."}]