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-# osschat-milvus
+# ANN Insert Operator: MilvusClient
+## Desription
+Insert data into Milvus collections. **Please make sure you have [created Milvus Collection](https://milvus.io/docs/v2.0.x/create_collection.md) before loading the data.**
+## Code Example
+### Example
+import towhee
+from towhee import ops
+p = (
+ towhee.pipe.input('collection_name', 'vec')
+ .map(('collection_name', 'vec'), (), ops.ann_insert.milvus_client(host='', port='19530'))
+ .output()
+ )
+### Load Collection
+> Please load the Collection after inserted data.
+## Factory Constructor
+Create the operator via the following factory method:
+***ann_insert.milvus_client(host, port, user= None, password=None, collection_schema=None, index_params=None)***
+***host:*** *str*
+The host for Milvus.
+***port:*** *str*
+The port for Milvus.
+***user:*** *str*
+The user for Zilliz Cloud, defaults to None.
+***password:*** *str*
+The password for Zilliz Cloud, defaults to None.
+## Interface
+Insert Milvus data.
+***collection_name:*** *str*
+The collection name for Milvus.
+***data:*** *list*
+The data to insert into milvus.
+**Returns:** MutationResult
+A MutationResult object contains `insert_count` represents how many and a `primary_keys` of primary keys.
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
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+from .milvus_client import MilvusClient
+def osschat_milvus(*args, **kwargs):
+ return MilvusClient(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/milvus_client.py b/milvus_client.py
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+import uuid
+import logging
+from towhee.operator import PyOperator, SharedType
+from pymilvus import connections, Collection
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+class MilvusClient(PyOperator):
+ """
+ Milvus ANN index class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, user: str = None, password: str = None):
+ self._host = host
+ self._port = port
+ self._connect_name = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ if None in [user, password]:
+ connections.connect(alias=self._connect_name, host=self._host, port=self._port)
+ else:
+ connections.connect(alias=self._connect_name, host=self._host, port=self._port,
+ user=user, password=password, secure=True)
+ def __call__(self, collection_name: str, *data):
+ """
+ Insert one row to Milvus.
+ Args:
+ data (`list`):
+ The data to insert into milvus.
+ Returns:
+ A MutationResult object contains `insert_count` represents how many and a `primary_keys` of primary keys.
+ """
+ self._collection = Collection(collection_name, using=self._connect_name)
+ row = []
+ for item in data:
+ if isinstance(item, list):
+ row.extend([[i] for i in item])
+ else:
+ row.append([item])
+ mr = self._collection.insert(row)
+ if mr.insert_count != len(row[0]):
+ raise RuntimeError("Insert to milvus failed")
+ return mr
+ @property
+ def shared_type(self):
+ return SharedType.NotShareable
+ # def __del__(self):
+ # if connections.has_connection(self._connect_name):
+ # try:
+ # connections.disconnect(self._connect_name)
+ # except:
+ # pass
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