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1.6 KiB

ANN Insert Operator: MilvusClient


Insert data into Milvus collections. Please make sure you have created Milvus Collection before loading the data.

Code Example


import towhee

from towhee import ops

p = (
        towhee.pipe.input('collection_name', 'vec')
        .map(('collection_name', 'vec'), (), ops.ann_insert.osschat_milvus(host='', port='19530'))


Load Collection

Please load the Collection after inserted data.


Factory Constructor

Create the operator via the following factory method:

ann_insert.milvus_client(host, port, user= None, password=None, collection_schema=None, index_params=None)


You must provide at least one valid value for uri or host/port. The order of use: uri > host/port, token > user/password.

uri: str

The uri for Milvus, defaults to "http://localhost:19530"

host: str

The host for Milvus.

port: str

The port for Milvus.

token: str

The token for Milvus.

user: str

The user for Zilliz Cloud, defaults to None.

password: str

The password for Zilliz Cloud, defaults to None.


Insert Milvus data.


collection_name: str

The collection name for Milvus.

data: list

The data to insert into milvus.

Returns: MutationResult

A MutationResult object contains insert_count represents how many and a primary_keys of primary keys.

1.6 KiB

ANN Insert Operator: MilvusClient


Insert data into Milvus collections. Please make sure you have created Milvus Collection before loading the data.

Code Example


import towhee

from towhee import ops

p = (
        towhee.pipe.input('collection_name', 'vec')
        .map(('collection_name', 'vec'), (), ops.ann_insert.osschat_milvus(host='', port='19530'))


Load Collection

Please load the Collection after inserted data.


Factory Constructor

Create the operator via the following factory method:

ann_insert.milvus_client(host, port, user= None, password=None, collection_schema=None, index_params=None)


You must provide at least one valid value for uri or host/port. The order of use: uri > host/port, token > user/password.

uri: str

The uri for Milvus, defaults to "http://localhost:19530"

host: str

The host for Milvus.

port: str

The port for Milvus.

token: str

The token for Milvus.

user: str

The user for Zilliz Cloud, defaults to None.

password: str

The password for Zilliz Cloud, defaults to None.


Insert Milvus data.


collection_name: str

The collection name for Milvus.

data: list

The data to insert into milvus.

Returns: MutationResult

A MutationResult object contains insert_count represents how many and a primary_keys of primary keys.