# Image Decode Implementation with CV2 *author: Kaiyuan Hu, Rentong Guo*
## Description An image decode operator implementation with OpenCV. Return BGR image.
## Code Example Load a image from path './src_dog.jpg'. the src picture:
*Write the pipeline in simplified style:* ```python from towhee.dc2 import pipe, ops, DataCollection p = ( pipe.input('url') .map('url', 'image', ops.image_decode.cv2()) .output('image') ) DataCollection(p('./src_dog.jpg')).show() ```

## Factory Constructor Create the operator via the following factory method: ***image_decode.cv2()***
## Interface An image decode operator takes an image path as input. It decodes the image back to ndarray, use BGR channel order. **Parameters:** **img**: *str* ​ Local file path or http url. **Returns**: *towhee.types.Image (a sub-class of numpy.ndarray)* ​ The decoded image data as numpy.ndarray.