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UNITER for ITM model
import copy
from collections import defaultdict
import torch
from torch import nn
from .model import UniterPreTrainedModel, UniterModel
class UniterForImageTextRetrieval(UniterPreTrainedModel):
""" Finetune UNITER for image text retrieval
def __init__(self, config, img_dim, margin=0.2):
self.bert = UniterModel(config, img_dim)
self.itm_output = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 2)
self.rank_output = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 1)
self.margin = margin
def init_output(self):
""" need to be called after from pretrained """
self.rank_output.weight.data = self.itm_output.weight.data[1:, :]
self.rank_output.bias.data = self.itm_output.bias.data[1:]
def forward(self, batch, compute_loss=True):
batch = defaultdict(lambda: None, batch)
input_ids = batch['input_ids']
position_ids = batch['position_ids']
img_feat = batch['img_feat']
img_pos_feat = batch['img_pos_feat']
attention_mask = batch['attn_masks']
gather_index = batch['gather_index']
sequence_output = self.bert(input_ids, position_ids,
img_feat, img_pos_feat,
attention_mask, gather_index,
pooled_output = self.bert.pooler(sequence_output)
rank_scores = self.rank_output(pooled_output)
if compute_loss:
# triplet loss
rank_scores_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(rank_scores)
sample_size = batch['sample_size']
scores = rank_scores_sigmoid.contiguous().view(-1, sample_size)
pos = scores[:, :1]
neg = scores[:, 1:]
rank_loss = torch.clamp(self.margin + neg - pos, 0)
return rank_loss
return rank_scores
class UniterForImageTextRetrievalHardNeg(UniterForImageTextRetrieval):
""" Finetune UNITER for image text retrieval
def __init__(self, config, img_dim, margin=0.2, hard_size=16):
super().__init__(config, img_dim, margin)
self.hard_size = hard_size
def forward(self, batch, sample_from='t', compute_loss=True):
# expect same input_ids for all pairs
batch_size = batch['attn_masks'].size(0)
input_ids = batch['input_ids']
img_feat = batch['img_feat']
img_pos_feat = batch['img_pos_feat']
if sample_from == 't':
if input_ids.size(0) == 1:
batch['input_ids'] = input_ids.expand(batch_size, -1)
elif sample_from == 'i':
if img_feat.size(0) == 1:
batch['img_feat'] = img_feat.expand(batch_size, -1, -1)
if img_pos_feat.size(0) == 1:
batch['img_pos_feat'] = img_pos_feat.expand(batch_size, -1, -1)
raise ValueError()
if self.training and compute_loss:
with torch.no_grad():
scores = super().forward(batch, compute_loss=False)
hard_batch = self._get_hard_batch(batch, scores, sample_from)
return super().forward(hard_batch, compute_loss=True)
return super().forward(batch, compute_loss)
def _get_hard_batch(self, batch, scores, sample_from='t'):
batch = defaultdict(lambda: None, batch)
input_ids = batch['input_ids']
position_ids = batch['position_ids']
img_feat = batch['img_feat']
img_pos_feat = batch['img_pos_feat']
attention_mask = batch['attn_masks']
gather_index = batch['gather_index']
hard_batch = {'sample_size': self.hard_size + 1}
# NOTE first example is positive
hard_indices = scores.squeeze(-1)[1:].topk(
self.hard_size, sorted=False)[1] + 1
indices = torch.cat([torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long,
attention_mask = attention_mask.index_select(0, indices)
gather_index = gather_index.index_select(0, indices)
if position_ids.size(0) != 1:
position_ids = position_ids[:self.hard_size+1]
if sample_from == 't':
# cut to minimum padding
max_len = attention_mask.sum(dim=1).max().item()
max_i = max_len - input_ids.size(1)
attention_mask = attention_mask[:, :max_len]
gather_index = gather_index[:, :max_len]
img_feat = img_feat.index_select(0, indices)[:, :max_i, :]
img_pos_feat = img_pos_feat.index_select(0, indices)[:, :max_i, :]
# expect same input_ids for all pairs
input_ids = input_ids[:self.hard_size+1]
elif sample_from == 'i':
input_ids = input_ids.index_select(0, indices)
# expect same image features for all pairs
img_feat = img_feat[:self.hard_size+1]
img_pos_feat = img_pos_feat[:self.hard_size+1]
raise ValueError()
hard_batch['input_ids'] = input_ids
hard_batch['position_ids'] = position_ids
hard_batch['img_feat'] = img_feat
hard_batch['img_pos_feat'] = img_pos_feat
hard_batch['attn_masks'] = attention_mask
hard_batch['gather_index'] = gather_index
return hard_batch
class UniterForImageTextRetrievalFast(UniterPreTrainedModel):
""" Finetune UNITER for image text retrieval
def __init__(self, config, img_dim, margin=0.2):
self.bert = UniterModel(config, img_dim)
config_img = copy.deepcopy(config)
config_img.num_hidden_layers = config_img.num_hidden_layers_img
self.img_bert = UniterModel(config_img, img_dim)
self.itm_output = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 2)
self.rank_output = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 1)
self.margin = margin
def init_output(self):
""" need to be called after from pretrained """
self.rank_output.weight.data = self.itm_output.weight.data[1:, :]
self.rank_output.bias.data = self.itm_output.bias.data[1:]
def forward(self, batch, compute_loss=True):
batch = defaultdict(lambda: None, batch)
input_ids = batch['input_ids']
position_ids = batch['position_ids']
img_feat = batch['img_feat']
img_pos_feat = batch['img_pos_feat']
attention_mask_text = batch['attn_masks_text']
attention_mask_img = batch['attn_masks_img']
gather_index = batch['gather_index']
sequence_output_text = self.bert(input_ids, position_ids,
None, img_pos_feat,
attention_mask_text, gather_index,
pooled_output_text = self.bert.pooler(sequence_output_text)
sequence_output_img = self.img_bert(None, position_ids,
img_feat, img_pos_feat,
attention_mask_img, gather_index,
pooled_output_img = self.img_bert.pooler(sequence_output_img)
# rank_scores = (pooled_output_text * pooled_output_img).sum(-1)
# rank_scores = self.rank_output(pooled_output)
rank_scores = torch.nn.CosineSimilarity()(pooled_output_text, pooled_output_img)
if compute_loss:
# triplet loss
rank_scores_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(rank_scores)
sample_size = batch['sample_size']
scores = rank_scores_sigmoid.contiguous().view(-1, sample_size)
pos = scores[:, :1]
neg = scores[:, 1:]
rank_loss = torch.clamp(self.margin + neg - pos, 0)
return rank_loss
return rank_scores