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Wasserstein Distance (Optimal Transport)
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F
def cost_matrix_cosine(x, y, eps=1e-5):
""" Compute cosine distnace across every pairs of x, y (batched)
[B, L_x, D] [B, L_y, D] -> [B, Lx, Ly]"""
assert x.dim() == y.dim()
assert x.size(0) == y.size(0)
assert x.size(2) == y.size(2)
x_norm = F.normalize(x, p=2, dim=-1, eps=eps)
y_norm = F.normalize(y, p=2, dim=-1, eps=eps)
cosine_sim = x_norm.matmul(y_norm.transpose(1, 2))
cosine_dist = 1 - cosine_sim
return cosine_dist
def trace(x):
""" compute trace of input tensor (batched) """
b, m, n = x.size()
assert m == n
mask = torch.eye(n, dtype=torch.bool, device=x.device
trace = x.masked_select(mask).contiguous().view(
b, n).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=False)
return trace
def ipot(C, x_len, x_pad, y_len, y_pad, joint_pad, beta, iteration, k):
""" [B, M, N], [B], [B, M], [B], [B, N], [B, M, N]"""
b, m, n = C.size()
sigma = torch.ones(b, m, dtype=C.dtype, device=C.device
) / x_len.unsqueeze(1)
T = torch.ones(b, n, m, dtype=C.dtype, device=C.device)
A = torch.exp(-C.transpose(1, 2)/beta)
# mask padded positions
sigma.masked_fill_(x_pad, 0)
joint_pad = joint_pad.transpose(1, 2)
T.masked_fill_(joint_pad, 0)
A.masked_fill_(joint_pad, 0)
# broadcastable lengths
x_len = x_len.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
y_len = y_len.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
# mask to zero out padding in delta and sigma
x_mask = (x_pad.to(C.dtype) * 1e4).unsqueeze(1)
y_mask = (y_pad.to(C.dtype) * 1e4).unsqueeze(1)
for _ in range(iteration):
Q = A * T # bs * n * m
sigma = sigma.view(b, m, 1)
for _ in range(k):
delta = 1 / (y_len * Q.matmul(sigma).view(b, 1, n) + y_mask)
sigma = 1 / (x_len * delta.matmul(Q) + x_mask)
T = delta.view(b, n, 1) * Q * sigma
T.masked_fill_(joint_pad, 0)
return T
def optimal_transport_dist(txt_emb, img_emb, txt_pad, img_pad,
beta=0.5, iteration=50, k=1):
""" [B, M, D], [B, N, D], [B, M], [B, N]"""
cost = cost_matrix_cosine(txt_emb, img_emb)
# mask the padded inputs
joint_pad = txt_pad.unsqueeze(-1) | img_pad.unsqueeze(-2)
cost.masked_fill_(joint_pad, 0)
txt_len = (txt_pad.size(1) - txt_pad.sum(dim=1, keepdim=False)
img_len = (img_pad.size(1) - img_pad.sum(dim=1, keepdim=False)
T = ipot(cost.detach(), txt_len, txt_pad, img_len, img_pad, joint_pad,
beta, iteration, k)
distance = trace(cost.matmul(T.detach()))
return distance