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optimizer learning rate scheduling helpers
from math import ceil
def noam_schedule(step, warmup_step=4000):
if step <= warmup_step:
return step / warmup_step
return (warmup_step ** 0.5) * (step ** -0.5)
def warmup_linear(step, warmup_step, tot_step):
if step < warmup_step:
return step / warmup_step
return max(0, (tot_step-step)/(tot_step-warmup_step))
def vqa_schedule(step, warmup_interval, decay_interval,
decay_start, decay_rate):
""" VQA schedule from MCAN """
if step < warmup_interval:
return 1/4
elif step < 2 * warmup_interval:
return 2/4
elif step < 3 * warmup_interval:
return 3/4
elif step >= decay_start:
num_decay = ceil((step - decay_start) / decay_interval)
return decay_rate ** num_decay
return 1
def get_lr_sched(global_step, opts):
# learning rate scheduling
if opts.decay == 'linear':
lr_this_step = opts.learning_rate * warmup_linear(
global_step, opts.warmup_steps, opts.num_train_steps)
elif opts.decay == 'invsqrt':
lr_this_step = opts.learning_rate * noam_schedule(
global_step, opts.warmup_steps)
elif opts.decay == 'constant':
lr_this_step = opts.learning_rate
elif opts.decay == 'vqa':
lr_this_step = opts.learning_rate * vqa_schedule(
global_step, opts.warm_int, opts.decay_int,
opts.decay_st, opts.decay_rate)
if lr_this_step <= 0:
# save guard for possible miscalculation of train steps
lr_this_step = 1e-8
return lr_this_step