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import torch
import numpy as np
import itertools
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from uniter_model.data.itm import DetectFeatTxtTokDataset, TxtTokLmdb, DetectFeatLmdb, get_ids_and_lens
from uniter_model.data.data import get_gather_index
from toolz.sandbox import unzip
from cytoolz import concat
def pad_tensors(tensors, lens=None, pad=0):
"""B x [T, ...]"""
if lens is None:
lens = [t.size(0) for t in tensors]
max_len = max(lens)
bs = len(tensors)
hid = tensors[0].size(-1)
dtype = tensors[0].dtype
output = torch.zeros(bs, max_len, hid, dtype=dtype)
if pad:
for i, (t, l) in enumerate(zip(tensors, lens)):
output.data[i, :l, ...] = t.data
return output
# for ITM task
class ItmFastDataset(DetectFeatTxtTokDataset):
""" NOTE this Dataset handles distributed training itself
(for more efficient negative sampling) """
def __init__(self, txt_db, img_db, num_hard_negatives=0, img_meta=None, tokenizer=None):
assert isinstance(txt_db, TxtTokLmdb)
assert isinstance(img_db, DetectFeatLmdb)
self.txt_db = txt_db
self.img_db = img_db
self.txt_lens, self.ids = get_ids_and_lens(txt_db)
self.ids_2_idx = {idx:i for i, idx in enumerate(self.ids)}
self.all_imgs = list(set(txt_db[id_]['img_fname'] for id_ in self.ids))
self.num_hard_negatives = num_hard_negatives
self.img_meta = img_meta
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
self.train_imgs = None
self.neg_imgs = None
# self.new_epoch(hard_negatives)
def new_epoch(self, hard_negatives_img=None, hard_negatives_txt=None):
""" should be called every epoch for more randomness"""
self.lens = []
self.train_imgs, self.neg_imgs = [], []
self.train_txts, self.neg_txts = [], []
for i, (id_, tl) in enumerate(zip(self.ids, self.txt_lens)):
img_fname = super().__getitem__(i)['img_fname']
if hard_negatives_img is not None and self.num_hard_negatives > 0:
self.lens.append(tl + self.img_db.name2nbb[img_fname])
def __getitem__(self, i):
example = super().__getitem__(i)
# labels and negative images should be sampled every epoch
img_fname, hard_neg_imgs = self.train_imgs[i], self.neg_imgs[i]
txt_fname, hard_neg_txts = self.ids[i], self.neg_txts[i]
img_input_ids = torch.Tensor([101]).long()
img_feat, img_pos_feat, num_bb = self._get_img_feat(img_fname)
attn_masks_img = torch.ones(num_bb+1, dtype=torch.long)
# text input
input_ids = example['input_ids']
input_ids = self.txt_db.combine_inputs(input_ids)
attn_masks = torch.ones(len(input_ids), dtype=torch.long)
if hard_neg_imgs is not None:
# TODO: add hard negative here
neg_imgs = dict({'img_input_ids': [], 'img_feat': [], 'img_pos_feat': [], 'num_bb': [], 'attn_masks_img': [],
'caption_ids': [], 'attn_masks_captions': []})
for neg_id in hard_neg_imgs:
t = self._get_img_feat(neg_id)
neg_imgs['attn_masks_img'].append(torch.ones(t[2]+1, dtype=torch.long))
if self.img_meta is not None:
tmp = [self.tokenizer.encode(i, add_special_tokens=False) + [self.tokenizer.sep_token_id]
for i in self.img_meta[neg_id]['caption_multiple']]
neg_imgs['caption_ids'].append(torch.tensor([self.tokenizer.cls_token_id] + sum(tmp, []),
dtype=input_ids.dtype, device=input_ids.device))
neg_imgs['attn_masks_captions'].append(torch.ones(len(neg_imgs['caption_ids'][-1]), dtype=torch.long))
# debug = [self.tokenizer.encode(a) for a in self.img_meta[img_fname]['annotation']]
neg_txts = dict({'input_ids':[], 'position_ids':[], 'attention_mask':[]})
for neg_id in hard_neg_txts:
ei = super().__getitem__(self.ids_2_idx[neg_id])
input_ids_ei = ei['input_ids']
neg_txts['attention_mask'].append(torch.ones(len(neg_txts['input_ids'][-1]), dtype=torch.long))
neg_imgs = None
neg_txts = None
if self.img_meta is not None:
caption_ids = [self.tokenizer.encode(i, add_special_tokens=False) + [self.tokenizer.sep_token_id] for i in self.img_meta[img_fname]['caption_multiple']]
caption_ids = torch.tensor([self.tokenizer.cls_token_id] + sum(caption_ids, []), dtype=input_ids.dtype, device=input_ids.device)
attn_masks_captions = torch.ones(len(caption_ids), dtype=torch.long)
# debug = [self.tokenizer.encode(a) for a in self.img_meta[img_fname]['annotation']]
caption_ids = None
attn_masks_captions = None
# target = torch.Tensor(1).long()
# target.data.fill_(ground_truth_label)
return input_ids, img_feat, img_pos_feat, img_input_ids, attn_masks, attn_masks_img, self.ids[i], img_fname, neg_imgs, neg_txts, caption_ids, attn_masks_captions
def itm_fast_collate_kd(inputs):
input_ids, img_feats, img_pos_feats, img_input_ids, attn_masks_text, attn_masks_img, idx, img_fname, negs, caption_ids, attn_masks_captions = map(list, unzip(inputs))
# txt_lens = [i.size(0) for i in input_ids]
input_ids = pad_sequence(input_ids, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
captions_ids = pad_sequence(caption_ids, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) if caption_ids[0] is not None else None
position_ids = torch.arange(0, input_ids.size(1), dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0)
position_ids_captions = torch.arange(0, captions_ids.size(1), dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0) if caption_ids[0] is not None else None
if not None in negs:
num_bbs_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['num_bb'] for n in negs]))
img_feats_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['img_feat'] for n in negs]))
img_input_ids_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['img_input_ids'] for n in negs]))
img_pos_feat_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['img_pos_feat'] for n in negs]))
attn_masks_img_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['attn_masks_img'] for n in negs]))
num_bbs_neg = []
img_feats_neg = []
img_input_ids_neg = []
img_pos_feat_neg = []
attn_masks_img_neg = []
num_bbs = [f.size(0) for f in img_feats] + num_bbs_neg
img_feat = pad_tensors(img_feats+img_feats_neg, num_bbs)
img_pos_feat = pad_tensors(img_pos_feats+img_pos_feat_neg, num_bbs)
img_input_ids = pad_sequence(img_input_ids+img_input_ids_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
img_position_ids = torch.arange(0, img_input_ids.size(1), dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0)
attn_masks_text = pad_sequence(attn_masks_text, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
attn_masks_captions = pad_sequence(attn_masks_captions, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) if attn_masks_captions[0] is not None else None
attn_masks_img = pad_sequence(attn_masks_img+attn_masks_img_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
sample_size = len(inputs[0])
assert all(sample_size == len(i) for i in inputs)
bs, max_tl = input_ids.size()
out_size = attn_masks_img.size(1)
gather_index = get_gather_index([1]*bs, num_bbs, bs, 1, out_size)
img_feat_teacher = img_feat[:N_EXAMPLES_TEACHER].repeat(bs, 1, 1)
img_pos_feat_teacher = img_pos_feat[:N_EXAMPLES_TEACHER].repeat(bs, 1, 1)
attn_masks_img_teacher = attn_masks_img[:N_EXAMPLES_TEACHER].repeat(bs, 1)[:, 1:]
input_ids_teacher = input_ids.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, 10, 1).view(bs*N_EXAMPLES_TEACHER, -1)
position_ids_teacher = position_ids
attn_masks_text_teacher = attn_masks_text.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, 10, 1).view(bs*N_EXAMPLES_TEACHER, -1)
attn_masks_teacher = torch.cat([attn_masks_text_teacher, attn_masks_img_teacher], dim=1)
batch = {
'txt_ids': input_ids,
'img_ids': img_feat,
'caption_ids': captions_ids,
'txt_pos_ids': position_ids,
'img_pos_ids': img_pos_feat,
'caption_pos_ids': position_ids_captions,
'txt_attn_masks': attn_masks_text,
'img_attn_masks': attn_masks_img,
'caption_attn_masks': attn_masks_captions,
'img_txt_ids': img_input_ids,
'img_txt_pos_ids': img_position_ids,
'gather_index': gather_index,
'sample_size': sample_size,
'pos_ctx_indices': list(range(bs)),
'neg_ctx_indices': list(range(bs, len(num_bbs))),
'txt_index': idx,
'img_fname': img_fname,
'img_feat_teacher': img_feat_teacher,
'img_pos_feat_teacher': img_pos_feat_teacher,
'input_ids_teacher': input_ids_teacher,
'position_ids_teacher': position_ids_teacher,
'attn_masks_teacher': attn_masks_teacher
return batch
def itm_fast_collate(inputs):
input_ids, img_feats, img_pos_feats, img_input_ids, attn_masks_text, attn_masks_img, idx, img_fname, neg_imgs, neg_txts, caption_ids, attn_masks_captions = map(list, unzip(inputs))
bs = len(input_ids)
# txt_lens = [i.size(0) for i in input_ids]
if not None in neg_imgs:
num_bbs_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['num_bb'] for n in neg_imgs]))
img_feats_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['img_feat'] for n in neg_imgs]))
img_input_ids_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['img_input_ids'] for n in neg_imgs]))
img_pos_feat_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['img_pos_feat'] for n in neg_imgs]))
attn_masks_img_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['attn_masks_img'] for n in neg_imgs]))
caption_ids_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['caption_ids'] for n in neg_imgs]))
attn_masks_captions_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['attn_masks_captions'] for n in neg_imgs]))
input_ids_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['input_ids'] for n in neg_txts]))
attn_masks_text_neg = list(itertools.chain(*[n['attention_mask'] for n in neg_txts]))
num_bbs_neg = []
img_feats_neg = []
img_input_ids_neg = []
img_pos_feat_neg = []
attn_masks_img_neg = []
caption_ids_neg = []
attn_masks_captions_neg = []
input_ids_neg = []
attn_masks_text_neg = []
input_ids = pad_sequence(input_ids+input_ids_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
position_ids = torch.arange(0, input_ids.size(1), dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0)
captions_ids = pad_sequence(caption_ids+caption_ids_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) if caption_ids[0] is not None else None
position_ids_captions = torch.arange(0, captions_ids.size(1), dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0) if caption_ids[0] is not None else None
num_bbs = [f.size(0) for f in img_feats] + num_bbs_neg
img_feat = pad_tensors(img_feats+img_feats_neg, num_bbs)
img_pos_feat = pad_tensors(img_pos_feats+img_pos_feat_neg, num_bbs)
img_input_ids = pad_sequence(img_input_ids+img_input_ids_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
img_position_ids = torch.arange(0, img_input_ids.size(1), dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0)
attn_masks_text = pad_sequence(attn_masks_text+attn_masks_text_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
attn_masks_captions = pad_sequence(attn_masks_captions+attn_masks_captions_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) if attn_masks_captions[0] is not None else None
attn_masks_img = pad_sequence(attn_masks_img+attn_masks_img_neg, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
sample_size = bs
# assert all(sample_size == len(i) for i in inputs)
max_tl = input_ids.shape[1]
out_size = attn_masks_img.size(1)
gather_index = get_gather_index([1]*bs, num_bbs, bs, 1, out_size)
batch = {
'txts': {
'input_ids': input_ids,
'position_ids': position_ids,
'attention_mask': attn_masks_text,
'img_feat': None,
'img_pos_feat': None,
'img_masks': None,
'gather_index': None
'imgs': {
'input_ids': img_input_ids,
'position_ids': img_position_ids,
'attention_mask': attn_masks_img,
'img_feat': img_feat,
'img_pos_feat': img_pos_feat,
'img_masks': None,
'gather_index': gather_index
'caps': {
'input_ids': captions_ids,
'position_ids': position_ids_captions,
'attention_mask': attn_masks_captions,
'img_feat': None,
'img_pos_feat': None,
'img_masks': None,
'gather_index': None
'sample_size': sample_size,
'pos_ctx_indices': list(range(bs)),
'neg_ctx_indices': list(range(bs, len(num_bbs))),
'txt_index': idx,
'img_fname': img_fname
return batch
class ItmValDataset(DetectFeatTxtTokDataset):
""" For evaluating Image-Text-Retrieval task """
def __init__(self, db_dir, img_dir, mini_batch_size=400):
super().__init__(db_dir, img_dir)
del self.lens
self.txt2img = self.txt_db.txt2img
self.img2txts = self.txt_db.img2txts
self.all_img_ids = list(self.img2txts.keys())
assert len(self.img2txts) >= mini_batch_size > 0
self.bs = mini_batch_size
def _get_batch_ids(self, i):
gt_txt_id = self.ids[i]
gt_img_id = self.txt2img[gt_txt_id]
# sample fixed negatives for each gt image
i = self.all_img_ids.index(gt_img_id)
neg_st = i+1
neg_end = neg_st+self.bs-1
if neg_end > len(self.all_img_ids):
# warp around
neg_end -= len(self.all_img_ids)
neg_img_ids = (self.all_img_ids[neg_st:]
+ self.all_img_ids[:neg_end])
neg_img_ids = self.all_img_ids[neg_st:neg_end]
assert len(neg_img_ids) == (self.bs - 1),\
"Did not sample enough neg samples"
return gt_img_id, neg_img_ids
def __getitem__(self, i):
""" this returns list of mini-batches """
gt_img_id, neg_img_ids = self._get_batch_ids(i)
# NOTE 1st one is gt img
batch = self.get_batch(i, [gt_img_id] + neg_img_ids)
return batch
def get_batch(self, i, img_ids):
example = super().__getitem__(i)
input_ids = example['input_ids']
input_ids = self.txt_db.combine_inputs(input_ids)
input_ids = input_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand(len(img_ids), -1).clone()
position_ids = torch.arange(0, input_ids.size(1), dtype=torch.long
# process image features (gt always first)
img_feats, img_pos_feats, num_bbs = map(
list, unzip(map(self._get_img_feat, img_ids)))
img_feat = pad_tensors(img_feats, num_bbs)
img_pos_feat = pad_tensors(img_pos_feats, num_bbs)
tl = input_ids.size(1)
attn_masks_text = torch.ones(len(img_ids), tl).long()
# attn_masks_text = torch.ones(1, tl).long()
attn_masks_img = torch.zeros(len(img_ids), max(num_bbs)).long()
for i, nbb in enumerate(num_bbs):
attn_masks_img.data[i, :nbb].fill_(1)
# out_size = attn_masks.size(1)
gather_index = None #get_gather_index([tl]*len(img_ids), num_bbs, len(img_ids), tl, out_size)
batch = {'input_ids': input_ids,
'position_ids': position_ids,
'img_feat': img_feat,
'img_pos_feat': img_pos_feat,
'attn_masks_text': attn_masks_text,
'attn_masks_img': attn_masks_img,
'gather_index': gather_index}
return batch
# for VQA