You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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# Prompt Template
1 year ago
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## Desription
Prompt Template.
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## Code Example
### Example
from towhee import ops, pipe
import requests
towhee_docs = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/towhee-io/towhee/main/README.md').content
temp = """{question}
sys_message = """Your name is TowheeChat."""
p = (
pipe.input('question', 'doc', 'history')
.map('doc', 'doc', lambda x: x[:2000])
.map(('question', 'doc', 'history'), 'prompt', ops.prompt.template(temp, ['question', 'context'], sys_message))
.map('prompt', 'answer', ops.LLM.OpenAI())
an1 = p('What is your name?', [], []).get()[0]
an2 = p('Tell me something about Towhee', towhee_docs, []).get()[0]
an3 = p('How to use it', towhee_docs, [('Tell me something about Towhee', an2)]).get()[0]
## Factory Constructor
Create the operator via the following factory method:
***ops.prompt.template(temp, keys, sys_msg)***
***temp***: *str*
​ A template to create a prompt as the last user message.
***keys***: *list*
​ A list of keys used in template.
***sys_msg***: *str=None*
​ A system message, defaults to None. If None, it will not pass any system message.
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**Returns:** *List[Dict]*