# Prompt Template
## Desription Prompt Template.
## Code Example ### Example ```python from towhee import ops, pipe import requests towhee_docs = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/towhee-io/towhee/main/README.md').content temp = """{question} input: {context} """ sys_message = """Your name is TowheeChat.""" p = ( pipe.input('question', 'doc', 'history') .map('doc', 'doc', lambda x: x[:2000]) .map(('question', 'doc', 'history'), 'prompt', ops.prompt.template(temp, ['question', 'context'], sys_message)) .map('prompt', 'answer', ops.LLM.OpenAI()) .output('answer') ) an1 = p('Who are you?', [], []).get()[0] print(an1) an2 = p('Tell me something about Towhee', towhee_docs, []).get()[0] print(an2) an3 = p('How to use it', towhee_docs, [('Tell me something about Towhee', an2)]).get()[0] print(an3) ``` ## Factory Constructor Create the operator via the following factory method: ***ops.prompt.template(temp, keys, sys_msg)***
**Returns:** *List[Dict]*