
Video Copy Detection

Video Copy Detection, also known as Video Identification by Fingerprinting, is to retrieve the similar or exact same video for a given query video.

Due to the popularity of Internet-based video sharing services, the volume of video content on the Internet has reached unprecedented scales. A video copy detection system is important in applications like video classification, tracking, filtering and recommendation, not to mention the field of copyright protection.

However, content-based video retrieval is particularly hard in practice, one needs to calculate the similarity between the given video and each and every video in a database to retrieve and rank similar ones based on relevance. Threfore, We hereby introduce Milvus and Towhee to help building a Video Deduplication System within several lines.

Image credit: created by zc277584121








Model(s) from


The evaluation is tested using the VCSL test data set, and the F1 value of the video clip is the most important evaluation standard, which is introduced in the VCSL paper. Due to some video links not working, we only downloaded most of the videos, not all of them.

Built-in Pipeline

In the video copy detection case, we follow the precedure:

Before You Get Started

Before running the following code, please make sure you have created a collection, for example, named video_deuplication, and the same dimensions(256) as the model you wish to use for generating embedding.

from pymilvus import connections, FieldSchema, CollectionSchema, DataType, Collection, utility

connections.connect(host='', port='19530')

def create_milvus_collection(collection_name, dim):
 if utility.has_collection(collection_name):

 fields = [
 FieldSchema(name='id', dtype=DataType.INT64, descrition='the id of the embedding', is_primary=True, auto_id=True),
 FieldSchema(name='path', dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, descrition='the path of the embedding', max_length=500),
 FieldSchema(name='embedding', dtype=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, descrition='video embedding vectors', dim=dim)
 schema = CollectionSchema(fields=fields, description='video dedup')
 collection = Collection(name=collection_name, schema=schema)

 index_params = {'metric_type': 'IP', 'index_type': "IVF_FLAT", 'params': {"nlist": 1}}
 collection.create_index(field_name="embedding", index_params=index_params)
 return collection

# Change dimension according to embedding models.
collection = create_milvus_collection('video_deduplication', 256)

Also, if one chooses hbase as the kv database, do remember to start hbase and create table.

Video Embedding

We can use built-in pipeline video_embedding to get video embeddings and insert them into Milvus and the kv database. By default, we use ISC, which is a well trained model aimed specifically at video copy detection tasks, to generate embedding. For the choice of the kv database, we support leveldb and hbase by passing different args to the pipeline config.

from towhee import AutoPipes, AutoConfig

emb_conf = AutoConfig.load_config('video_embedding')
emb_conf.start_time = None
emb_conf.end_time = None
emb_conf.device = -1 # 0 
# use leveldb
# emb_conf.leveldb_path = 'url_vec.db' 
emb_pipe = AutoPipes.pipeline('video_embedding', emb_conf)

for i in video_list:
 result = emb_pipe(i)

The embedding models we support are listed on performance.

Video Copy Detection

Before searching in Milvus, you need to load the collection first.

from towhee import AutoPipes, AutoConfig
from towhee.datacollection import DataCollection

search_conf = AutoConfig.load_config('video_copy_detection')
search_conf.start_time = None
search_conf.end_time = None
search_conf.device = -1 # 0 
# use leveldb
# search_conf.leveldb_path = 'url_vec.db' 
search_conf.threshold = 0.5
search_pipe = AutoPipes.pipeline('video_copy_detection', search_conf)

for i in video_list:
 result = search_pipe(i)


AutoPipes.pipeline(name, *args, **kwargs)

AutoConfig.load_config(name, *args, **kwargs)


The end of the range to decode.


Apart from the above config in VideoEmbeddingConfig, VideoCopyDetectionConfig contains following config: