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# Image-Text Retrieval Embdding with CLIP
*author: David Wang*
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## Description
This operator extracts features for image or text with [CLIP](https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02927) which can genearte the embedding for text and image by jointly training an image encoder and text encoder to maximize the cosine similarity. This operator is an adaptation from [openai/CLIP](https://github.com/openai/CLIP).
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## Code Example
Load an image from path './teddy.jpg' to generate an image embedding.
Read the text 'A teddybear on a skateboard in Times Square.' to generate an text embedding.
*Write the pipeline in simplified style*:
import towhee
towhee.glob('./teddy.jpg') \
.image_decode.cv2() \
.towhee.clip(name='ViT-B/32', modality='image') \
towhee.dc(["A teddybear on a skateboard in Times Square."]) \
.image_decode.cv2() \
.towhee.clip(name='ViT-B/32', modality='text') \
<img src="https://towhee.io/towhee/clip/raw/branch/main/vec1.png" alt="result1" style="height:20px;"/>
<img src="https://towhee.io/towhee/clip/raw/branch/main/vec2.png" alt="result2" style="height:20px;"/>
*Write a same pipeline with explicit inputs/outputs name specifications:*
import towhee
towhee.glob['path']('./teddy.jpg') \
.image_decode.cv2['path', 'img']() \
.towhee.clip['data', 'vec'](name='ViT-B/32', modality='image') \
.select['data', 'vec']() \
towhee.dc['text'](["A teddybear on a skateboard in Times Square."]) \
.towhee.clip['text','vec'](name='ViT-B/32', modality='text') \
.select['text', 'vec']() \
<img src="https://towhee.io/towhee/clip/raw/branch/main/tabular1.png" alt="result1" style="height:60px;"/>
<img src="https://towhee.io/towhee/clip/raw/branch/main/tabular2.png" alt="result2" style="height:60px;"/>
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## Factory Constructor
Create the operator via the following factory method
***clip(name, modality)***
***name:*** *str*
​ The model name of CLIP. avaliable options are:
- RN50
- RN101
- RN50x4
- RN50x16
- RN50x64
- ViT-B/32
- ViT-B/64
- ViT-L/14
***modality:*** *str*
​ Which modality(*image* or *text*) is used to generate the embedding.
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## Interface
An image-text embedding operator takes a [towhee image](link/to/towhee/image/api/doc) or string as input and generate an embedding in ndarray.
***data:*** *towhee.types.Image (a sub-class of numpy.ndarray)* or *str*
​ The data(image or text based on choosed modality) to generate the embedding.
**Returns:** *numpy.ndarray*
​ The data embedding extracted by model.
2 years ago