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# Copyright 2021 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms.dag import dag_longest_path
from typing import List
from towhee.operator.base import Operator, OperatorFlag
from towhee.types.arg import arg, to_image_color
from towhee import register
def iou(bbox: np.ndarray, gt: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
IoU calculation for next-step filtering
bbox: bounding box array (n, 4)
gt: bounding box array (m, 4)
IoU results with dimension (n, m)
if len(bbox) == 0 or len(gt) == 0:
return np.array(0)
lt = np.maximum(bbox[:, None, :2], gt[:, :2]) # left_top (x, y)
rb = np.minimum(bbox[:, None, 2:], gt[:, 2:]) # right_bottom (x, y)
wh = np.maximum(rb - lt + 1, 0) # inter_area (w, h)
inter_areas = wh[:, :, 0] * wh[:, :, 1] # shape: (n, m)
box_areas = (bbox[:, 2] - bbox[:, 0] + 1) * (bbox[:, 3] - bbox[:, 1] + 1)
gt_areas = (gt[:, 2] - gt[:, 0] + 1) * (gt[:, 3] - gt[:, 1] + 1)
IoU = inter_areas / (box_areas[:, None] + gt_areas - inter_areas)
return np.array(IoU)
def tn(sims: np.ndarray,
tn_max_step: int = 10, tn_top_k: int = 5, max_path: int = 10,
min_sim: float = 0.2, min_length: int = 5, max_iou: float = 0.3) -> List[List[int]]:
TN method for video temporal alignment.
Reimplemented paper:
{Tan H K, Ngo C W, Hong R, et al. Scalable detection of partial near-duplicate videos by visual-temporal consistency
[C]//Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia. 2009: 145-154.}
sims: input similarity map computed from a copied video pair.
tn_max_step: max step range in TN.
tn_top_k: Top k frame similarity selection in TN.
max_path: max loop for multiply segments detection.
min_sim: min average similarity score for each aligned segment.
min_length: min segment length.
max_iou: max iou for filtering overlap segments (bbox).
list of temporal aligned copied segments, [query_min, ref_min, query_max, ref_max] for each segment
infringe_box_list = []
infringe_score_list = []
path = 0
node_pair2id = {}
node_pair2id[(-1, -1)] = 0
node_id2pair = {}
node_id2pair[0] = (-1, -1) # source
node_num = 1
DG = nx.DiGraph()
# get top-k values and indices, shape (Q_LEN, top_k)
top = min(tn_top_k, sims.shape[1])
topk_indices = np.argsort(-sims)[:, :top]
topk_sims = np.take_along_axis(sims, topk_indices, axis=-1)
# add nodes
for qf_idx in range(sims.shape[0]):
for k in range(top):
rf_idx = topk_indices[qf_idx][k]
node_id2pair[node_num] = (qf_idx, rf_idx)
node_pair2id[(qf_idx, rf_idx)] = node_num
node_num += 1
# create graph by adding edges
for q_i in range(sims.shape[0]):
r_i = topk_indices[q_i]
intermediate_rs = np.empty((0,), dtype=np.int32)
# implements Constraints C1 by limiting range end
for q_j in range(q_i + 1, min(sims.shape[0], q_i + tn_max_step)):
r_j = topk_indices[q_j] # shape (top_k, )
r_diff = r_j[:, None] - r_i # dst - src, shape (top_k, top_k)
# Constraints C2
C2 = (r_diff > 0) & (r_diff < tn_max_step)
# Constraints C3
if len(intermediate_rs) == 0:
C3 = np.ones(C2.shape, dtype=bool)
# "the equal sign" in C3 in paper is wrong because it's contradictory to C2
cond1 = intermediate_rs[None, :] > r_i[:, None]
cond2 = intermediate_rs[None, :] < r_j[:, None]
C3 = np.sum(cond2[:, None, :] & cond1, axis=-1) == 0
# Constraints C4
s_j = topk_sims[q_j] # shape (top_k, )
s_j = np.repeat(s_j.reshape(-1, 1), r_diff.shape[1], axis=1) # shape (top_k, top_k)
C4 = s_j >= min_sim
val_rows, val_cols = np.where(C2 & C3 & C4)
val_sims = s_j[val_rows, val_cols]
# update intermediate_rs
valid_r_j = r_j[val_rows]
intermediate_rs = np.unique(np.concatenate([intermediate_rs, valid_r_j]))
edges = [(node_pair2id[(q_i, r_i[c])], node_pair2id[(q_j, r_j[r])], dict(weight=s))
for c, r, s in zip(val_cols, val_rows, val_sims)]
#logger.info("Graph N {} E {} for sim {}x{}", DG.number_of_nodes(), DG.number_of_edges(), sims.shape[0],
# sims.shape[1])
# link sink node
for i in range(0, node_num - 1):
j = node_num - 1
pair_i = node_id2pair[i]
pair_j = node_id2pair[j]
if (pair_j[0] > pair_i[0] and pair_j[1] > pair_i[1] and
pair_j[0] - pair_i[0] <= tn_max_step and pair_j[1] - pair_i[1] <= tn_max_step):
DG.add_edge(i, j, weight=0)
while True:
if path > max_path:
longest_path = dag_longest_path(DG)
for i in range(1, len(longest_path)):
DG.add_edge(longest_path[i - 1], longest_path[i], weight=0.0)
if 0 in longest_path:
longest_path.remove(0) # remove source node
if node_num - 1 in longest_path:
longest_path.remove(node_num - 1) # remove sink node
path_query = [node_id2pair[node_id][0] for node_id in longest_path]
path_refer = [node_id2pair[node_id][1] for node_id in longest_path]
if len(path_query) == 0:
score = 0.0
for (qf_idx, rf_idx) in zip(path_query, path_refer):
score += sims[qf_idx][rf_idx]
if score > 0:
query_min, query_max = min(path_query), max(path_query)
refer_min, refer_max = min(path_refer), max(path_refer)
query_min, query_max = 0, 0
refer_min, refer_max = 0, 0
ave_length = (refer_max - refer_min + query_max - query_min) / 2
ious = iou(np.expand_dims(np.array([query_min, refer_min, query_max, refer_max]), axis=0),
if ave_length > 0 and score / ave_length > min_sim and min(refer_max - refer_min,
query_max - query_min) > min_length and ious.max() < max_iou:
infringe_box_list.append([int(query_min), int(refer_min), int(query_max), int(refer_max)])
infringe_score_list.append(score / ave_length)
path += 1
return infringe_box_list, infringe_score_list
class TemporalNetwork(Operator):
def __init__(self,
tn_max_step: int = 10, tn_top_k: int = 5, max_path: int = 10,
min_sim: float = 0.2, min_length: int = 5, max_iou: float = 0.3):
self._tn_max_step = tn_max_step
self._tn_top_k = tn_top_k
self._max_path = max_path
self._min_sim = min_sim
self._min_length = min_length
self._max_iou = max_iou
def __call__(self, src_video_vec: 'ndarray', dst_video_vec: 'ndarray') -> float:
sim_map = np.dot(src_video_vec, dst_video_vec.T)
ranges, scores = tn(sim_map, self._tn_max_step, self._tn_top_k, self._max_path, self._min_sim, self._min_length, self._max_iou)
return ranges, scores