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import math
import PyNvCodec as nvc
import numpy as np
from towhee.types import VideoFrame
class VPFDecode:
def __init__(self, video_path: str, gpu_id: int, start_time: int = None, time_step=None):
self._gpu_id = gpu_id
self._nv_dec = nvc.PyNvDecoder(video_path, gpu_id)
self._start_time = start_time
self._time_step = time_step
self._target_w, self._target_h, self._time_base = self._nv_dec.Width(), self._nv_dec.Height(), self._nv_dec.Timebase()
self._avg_rate = self._nv_dec.AvgFramerate()
self._to_rgb = nvc.PySurfaceConverter(
self._target_w, self._target_h, nvc.PixelFormat.NV12, nvc.PixelFormat.RGB, self._gpu_id
self._cc = nvc.ColorspaceConversionContext(nvc.ColorSpace.BT_709, nvc.ColorRange.JPEG)
self._pdata = nvc.PacketData()
def timestamp(self, pts) -> int:
return int(round(pts * self._time_base * 1000))
def surface_to_videoframe(self, nv12_surface):
if nv12_surface.Empty():
return None
nv_dwn = nvc.PySurfaceDownloader(self._target_w, self._target_h, nvc.PixelFormat.RGB, self._gpu_id)
rgb24_small = self._to_rgb.Execute(nv12_surface, self._cc)
if rgb24_small.Empty():
raise RuntimeError('Convert to rgb failed')
rawFrameRGB = np.ndarray(shape=(self._target_h, self._target_w, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
if not nv_dwn.DownloadSingleSurface(rgb24_small, rawFrameRGB):
raise RuntimeError('Download image from gpu failed')
return VideoFrame(rawFrameRGB, 'RGB', self.timestamp(self._pdata.pts), self._pdata.key)
def time_step_decode(self):
ts = self._start_time if self._start_time is not None and self._start_time > 0 else 0
while True:
seek_ctx = nvc.SeekContext(
ts, nvc.SeekMode.PREV_KEY_FRAME, nvc.SeekCriteria.BY_TIMESTAMP
nv12_surface = self._nv_dec.DecodeSingleSurface(seek_ctx, self._pdata)
frame = self.surface_to_videoframe(nv12_surface)
if frame is None:
yield frame
ts += self._time_step
def decode(self):
if self._start_time is not None and self._start_time > 0:
seek_ctx = nvc.SeekContext(
self._start_time, nvc.SeekMode.PREV_KEY_FRAME, nvc.SeekCriteria.BY_TIMESTAMP
nv12_surface = self._nv_dec.DecodeSingleSurface(seek_ctx, self._pdata)
yield self.surface_to_videoframe(nv12_surface)
while True:
nv12_surface = self._nv_dec.DecodeSingleSurface(self._pdata)
frame = self.surface_to_videoframe(nv12_surface)
if frame is None:
yield frame