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2.3 KiB

Video-Text Retrieval Embdding with CLIP4Clip

author: Chen Zhang


This operator extracts features for video or text with CLIP4Clip which can generate embeddings for text and video by jointly training a video encoder and text encoder to maximize the cosine similarity.

Code Example

Read the text 'kids feeding and playing with the horse' to generate an text embedding.

from towhee.dc2 import pipe, ops, DataCollection

p = (
    pipe.input('text') \
        .map('text', 'vec', ops.video_text_embedding.clip4clip(model_name='clip_vit_b32', modality='text', device='cuda:1')) \
        .output('text', 'vec')

DataCollection(p('kids feeding and playing with the horse')).show()

Load an video from path './demo_video.mp4' to generate an video embedding.

from towhee.dc2 import pipe, ops, DataCollection

p = (
    pipe.input('video_path') \
        .map('video_path', 'flame_gen', ops.video_decode.ffmpeg(sample_type='uniform_temporal_subsample', args={'num_samples': 12})) \
        .map('flame_gen', 'flame_list', lambda x: [y for y in x]) \
        .map('flame_list', 'vec', ops.video_text_embedding.clip4clip(model_name='clip_vit_b32', modality='video', device='cuda:2')) \
        .output('video_path', 'flame_list', 'vec')


Factory Constructor

Create the operator via the following factory method

clip4clip(model_name, modality, weight_path)


model_name: str

​ The model name of CLIP. Supported model names:

  • clip_vit_b32

modality: str

​ Which modality(video or text) is used to generate the embedding.

weight_path: str

​ pretrained model weights path.


An video-text embedding operator takes a list of towhee image or string as input and generate an embedding in ndarray.


data: List[towhee.types.Image] or str

​ The data (list of image(which is uniform subsampled from a video) or text based on specified modality) to generate embedding.

Returns: numpy.ndarray

​ The data embedding extracted by model.

2.3 KiB

Video-Text Retrieval Embdding with CLIP4Clip

author: Chen Zhang


This operator extracts features for video or text with CLIP4Clip which can generate embeddings for text and video by jointly training a video encoder and text encoder to maximize the cosine similarity.

Code Example

Read the text 'kids feeding and playing with the horse' to generate an text embedding.

from towhee.dc2 import pipe, ops, DataCollection

p = (
    pipe.input('text') \
        .map('text', 'vec', ops.video_text_embedding.clip4clip(model_name='clip_vit_b32', modality='text', device='cuda:1')) \
        .output('text', 'vec')

DataCollection(p('kids feeding and playing with the horse')).show()

Load an video from path './demo_video.mp4' to generate an video embedding.

from towhee.dc2 import pipe, ops, DataCollection

p = (
    pipe.input('video_path') \
        .map('video_path', 'flame_gen', ops.video_decode.ffmpeg(sample_type='uniform_temporal_subsample', args={'num_samples': 12})) \
        .map('flame_gen', 'flame_list', lambda x: [y for y in x]) \
        .map('flame_list', 'vec', ops.video_text_embedding.clip4clip(model_name='clip_vit_b32', modality='video', device='cuda:2')) \
        .output('video_path', 'flame_list', 'vec')


Factory Constructor

Create the operator via the following factory method

clip4clip(model_name, modality, weight_path)


model_name: str

​ The model name of CLIP. Supported model names:

  • clip_vit_b32

modality: str

​ Which modality(video or text) is used to generate the embedding.

weight_path: str

​ pretrained model weights path.


An video-text embedding operator takes a list of towhee image or string as input and generate an embedding in ndarray.


data: List[towhee.types.Image] or str

​ The data (list of image(which is uniform subsampled from a video) or text based on specified modality) to generate embedding.

Returns: numpy.ndarray

​ The data embedding extracted by model.