You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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from pymilvus import connections, Collection
from towhee.operator import PyOperator, SharedType
import uuid
from typing import Union
class MilvusClient(PyOperator):
Search for embedding vectors in Milvus. Note that the Milvus collection has data before searching,
collection (`str`):
The collection name.
The kwargs with collection.search, refer to https://milvus.io/docs/v2.0.x/search.md#Prepare-search-parameters.
And the `anns_field` defaults to the vector field name, `limit` defaults to 10, and `metric_type` in `param` defaults to 'L2'
if there has no index(FLAT), and for default index `param`:
IVF_FLAT: {"params": {"nprobe": 10}},
IVF_SQ8: {"params": {"nprobe": 10}},
IVF_PQ: {"params": {"nprobe": 10}},
HNSW: {"params": {"ef": 10}},
IVF_HNSW: {"params": {"nprobe": 10, "ef": 10}},
RHNSW_FLAT: {"params": {"ef": 10}},
RHNSW_SQ: {"params": {"ef": 10}},
RHNSW_PQ: {"params": {"ef": 10}},
ANNOY: {"params": {"search_k": 10}}.
def __init__(self,
uri: str = 'http://localhost:19530',
host: str = None,
port: Union[int, str] = None,
token: str = None,
user: str = None,
password: str = None,
Get an existing collection.
self._connect_name = uuid.uuid4().hex
self._connection_args = {'alias': self._connect_name}
self.kwargs = kwargs
if uri is not None:
self._connection_args['uri'] = uri
elif all(x is not None for x in [host, port]):
self._connection_args['host'] = host
self._connection_args['port'] = port
raise ConnectionError('Received invalid connection arguments.')
if any(x is None for x in [token, user, password]):
self._connection_args['secure'] = False
self._connection_args['secure'] = True
self._connection_args['user'] = user
self._connection_args['password'] = password
self._connection_args['token'] = token
def __call__(self, collection_name: str, query: 'ndarray'):
self._collection = Collection(collection_name, using=self._connect_name)
if 'anns_field' not in self.kwargs:
fields_schema = self._collection.schema.fields
for schema in fields_schema:
if schema.dtype in (101, 100):
self.kwargs['anns_field'] = schema.name
if 'limit' not in self.kwargs:
self.kwargs['limit'] = 10
index_params = {
'FLAT': {'params': {'nprobe': 10}},
'IVF_FLAT': {'params': {'nprobe': 10}},
'IVF_SQ8': {'params': {'nprobe': 10}},
'IVF_PQ': {'params': {'nprobe': 10}},
'HNSW': {'params': {'ef': 10}},
'RHNSW_FLAT': {'params': {'ef': 10}},
'RHNSW_SQ': {'params': {'ef': 10}},
'RHNSW_PQ': {'params': {'ef': 10}},
'IVF_HNSW': {'params': {'nprobe': 10, 'ef': 10}},
'ANNOY': {'params': {'search_k': 10}},
if 'param' not in self.kwargs:
if len(self._collection.indexes) != 0:
index_type = self._collection.indexes[0].params['index_type']
self.kwargs['param'] = index_params[index_type]
self.kwargs['param'] = index_params['IVF_FLAT']
if 'metric_type' in self.kwargs:
self.kwargs['param']['metric_type'] = self.kwargs['metric_type']
self.kwargs['param']['metric_type'] = 'L2'
milvus_result = self._collection.search(
result = []
for hit in milvus_result[0]:
row = []
row.extend([hit.id, hit.score])
if 'output_fields' in self.kwargs:
for k in self.kwargs['output_fields']:
return result
def shared_type(self):
return SharedType.NotShareable
# def __del__(self):
# if connections.has_connection(self._connect_name):
# try:
# connections.disconnect(self._connect_name)
# except:
# pass