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Updated 3 years ago
Text Embedding with Transformers
author: Jael Gu
A text embedding operator implemented with pretrained models from Huggingface Transformers.
from towhee import ops
text_encoder = ops.text_embedding.transformers("bert-base-cased")
text_embedding = text_encoder("Hello, world.")
Factory Constructor
Create the operator via the following factory method
A text embedding operator takes a sentence, paragraph, or document in string as an input and output an embedding vector in ndarray which captures the input's core semantic elements.
text: str
The text in string.
Returns: numpy.ndarray
The text embedding extracted by model.
Code Example
Use the pretrained Bert-Base-Cased model ('bert-base-cased') to generate a text embedding for the sentence "Hello, world.".
Write the pipeline in simplified style:
import towhee.DataCollection as dc
dc.glob("Hello, world.")
Write a same pipeline with explicit inputs/outputs name specifications:
from towhee import DataCollection as dc
dc.glob['text']('Hello, world.')
.text_embedding.transformers['text', 'vec']('bert-base-cased')
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